by Rebecca | Sep 18, 2015 | Influencing Your Organization, Lean
Pardon me while I rant a little bit here. But I’ve seen this situation one too many times: New team sits down. Project sounds great. Everyone is excited. Requirements aren’t really clear, or totally defined, but who needs ’em? We’re AGILE! ...
by Rebecca | Sep 4, 2015 | Influencing Your Organization
Summer is hot enough without conflict with your colleagues on top of it. No but seriously, I hate summer. Who’s ready for fall?!?! Like summer, I would prefer to avoid conflict, if I could. I can’t, though. conflict is a natural part of the process of...
by Rebecca | Aug 28, 2015 | Influencing Your Organization, UX Skills
I’ve spent quite a few hours of my life arguing over bugs. Weeks, months. Who knows how much it adds up to? Did you know that people that identify bugs tend to rate severity dramatically higher than people who didn’t find them? So when you experience and...
by Rebecca | Jul 3, 2015 | Influencing Your Organization, UX Skills
Have you ever had a project or design thrown off at the last minute by someone you didn’t even think was involved with your project? Have you ever been in a situation with so many cooks in the kitchen, you weren’t even sure you could count them all? And...
by Rebecca | Jun 17, 2015 | Influencing Your Organization
A developer friend of mine told me a story once. He was approached by his product manager who asked him, “Why won’t you build what I want you to build?” I suppose we could give the PM credit for being direct, although we’ll see later that he’s not being as direct as...
by Rebecca | May 28, 2015 | Influencing Your Organization
Are you on a project where there isn’t quite enough time to really get the job done? Or maybe there’s NOWHERE NEAR ENOUGH! We’ve all been there. Check out our 5 Ways to Get More Time for UX. But if it’s a little late for that, here are 4 ideas...