Let's go beyond pixels and wireframes and ship better software
Be more persuasive, influential, and effective. | Soft Skills for UX DesignersThe Most Powerful Bug Prioritization Tool You’ll Ever Find
I've spent quite a few hours of my life arguing over bugs. Weeks, months. Who knows how much it adds up to? Did you know that people that identify bugs tend to rate severity dramatically higher than people who didn't find them? So when you experience and report a...
Embracing an 80% Attitude: Prioritizing and Handling UX Compromise
As a design student, or sometimes just when you're off in imagination land, it can feel like the hardest thing you can do is get your design perfect. Would a drop shadow make this more intuitive? Is it subtle enough? Too subtle and no one can see it but me? Should I...
Not Yet: the Importance of a Growth Mindset
When you make a mistake or discover you don't have a much needed skill, what's your reaction? Is it... I'm screwed! I don't know how to do that. I'm gonna be stuck in this mediocre job forever. Or do you think... Oh, interesting. I haven't figured that out yet. I...
Time management techniques for UX designers
I know for me, as I got more comfortable as a UX designer (and more in demand), I began to struggle to manage my time. Having one feature to focus on was one thing, but balancing two or juggling as many as six at one (crazy) time demanded developing a whole new set of...
The Uncreative One: Developer Archetypes
Maybe you’ve identified this developer in the wild, maybe you haven’t yet. But I assure you he’s out there. And he’s not very creative. Okay, I know that sounds harsh. He or she means well. He may even be very creative with an algorithm or a database. But the...
Kick More Meeting Butt: 3 Easy Tips for Presenting UX
Presenting was one of the most important skills mentioned in our most critical soft skills round-up, so I've put together a few ideas to help you kick more butt on your next one. Cause, you know, butt kicking is good. Do right by all us designers in the world. Make us...